terça-feira, 26 de abril de 2022

Present continuous

A ideia é de algo que está sendo feito no momento da conversa, geralmente com advérbios de tempo e também pode ser usado para expressar ações que estão ocorrendo na atualidade.
Para o Present Continuous usamos o verbo “to be” no presente, seus respectivos pronomes e o verbo principal + ing.
Para todos os verbos que terminam em “e” é necessário tirar o “e” e no lugar escrever “ing”, ex: (drive) He is driving now. (Ele está dirigindo agora).
Para todos os outros verbos acrescentar “ing” normalmente.
Quando o verbo terminar em (CVC) consoante + vogal + consoante é necessário repetir a última consoante. Ex: I’m getting cold. (Eu estou ficando com frio).
Verbos terminados em “ie” tira-se essa terminação e acrescenta “ying” Ex: (die) = dying. (morrer).
Não se dobram as consoantes w e x.
Em inglês britânico dobra-se a consoante L.

Are you studying English now? Você está estudando Inglês agora?
Yes, I’m studying English now. Sim, eu estou estudando Inglês agora.
No, I’m not studying English now. Não, eu não estou estudando Inglês agora.
Atividade: Responda todas às perguntas. Respostas afirmativas e negativas, completas.
Are you answering e-mails now?
Are you buying milk now?
Are you brushing your hair now?
Are you calling friends now?
Are you cleaning the house now?
Are you doing homework now?
Are you fighting on the street now?
Are you cooking at home now?
Are you drinking milk now?
Are you driving now?
Are you cutting vegetables now?
Are you dancing now?
Are you eating sushi now?
Are you feeding animals now?
Are you flying to São Paulo now?
Are you getting up now?
Are you going to the bank now?
Are you helping poor people now?
Are you hiding money now?
Are you lending money to friends now?
Are you listening to Shakira now?
Are you making pizza now?
Are you meeting friends now?
Are you paying bills now?
Are you putting money in the bank now?
Are you playing soccer now?
Are you reading a book now?
Are you riding a bike now?
Are you running on the beach now?
Are you saying bad words now?
Are you selling flowers now?
Are you singing in the shower now?
Are you sleeping now?
Are you speaking Chinese now?
Are you swimming now?
Are you saving money now?
Are you smoking now?
Are you studying English now?
Are you thinking about money now?
Are you travelling now?
Are you visiting friends now?
Are you waking up now?
Are you wearing jeans now?
Are you writing emails now?
Are you walking on the beach now?
Are you washing your hair now?
Are you working now?
Are you watching TV now?

J Pesquise, investigue, seja independente e autônomo. Seja você o maior responsável pelo processo de ensino-aprendizagem. J

Fontes: Express Grammar of English, The Richmond, Amos-Prescher.
             The Grammar book, Oxford, Swan & Walter.
             English Grammar in use, Cambridge, Raymond Murphy.

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